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Parenting Plan Enforcement

Enforcing Your Parenting Plan in Oregon

Oregon law (ORS 107.434) requires each judicial district to establish expedited parenting time enforcement procedures. The court will provide forms for you to fill out and file when there has been a violation of parenting time or a parenting plan. The forms that are filed must include a copy of the current parenting plan or court order that lists the parenting time. You must make sure that copies of the motion, affidavit, and order to show cause are served on the other parties in the case. You should see a lawyer for legal advice.

The law requires that the hearing is set within 45 days after the motion is filed. The parties may be required to see a mediator before they can go to court. It may be possible to waive (skip) mediation so the case can get into court quickly. If you ask to waive mediation, you must file papers that ask for a waiver and give a good reason for the request.

A court may grant one more remedies if a parent is found to have violated a parenting plan. The court could:

  • Add more parenting time to make up for the time that was lost
  • Change the parenting plan by adding specific details, such as specific days and times
  • Add additional terms and conditions to the current parenting plan
  • Order the person who violated the parenting plan to pay money to the court, which the parent would lose if he or she continues to violate the parenting plan
  • Order one or both of the parties to attend counseling or parent education classes to learn about the impact of his or her behavior on the child
  • Award attorney fees and court costs to the party who is successful in the court proceeding
  • Suspend, end or change spousal support
  • Suspend, end or change child support
  • Schedule a hearing to change custody of the child

The judge may find that the parenting plan was not violated and do nothing more. The judge may find that the parenting plan was violated, but there was a good reason for it and so do nothing more. Each case is different, and each case will be decided on its particular facts.

Parenting Plan Enforcement Information by County

Each judicial district has forms and procedures. Some of them may be the same or similar to other districts' forms, but some are different. You should use the forms for the court in which you will file your papers. Click on the county below for that county's forms and further information, which may include:

  • Parenting Time Enforcement Forms and Information
  • Parenting Time Guidelines
  • Child Support Guidelines and Services
  • Mediation Resources

If you need more information, talk to a lawyer or contact the court facilitator or court staff in the court where you will file. Keep in mind that court facilitators and other court staff cannot give legal advice.

​Baker County

Baker County Courthouse
1995 Third Street
Baker City, Oregon 97814

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932

Child Support Services

  • Baker County District Attorney - 541-523-6414

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Contact Your Trial Court Administrator - 541-523-6303

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636 can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Benton County

Benton County Courthouse
120 NW Fourth
Corvallis, Oregon 97339

Child Support Guidelines

  • Albany Branch Division of Child Support - 541-967-2028

Child Support Services

  • Benton County District Attorney - 541-757-6817

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Linn-Benton Circuit Court Mediation - 541-967-3952

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Clackamas County

Clackamas County Courthouse
807 Main Street
Oregon City, Oregon 97045

Child Support Guidelines

  • Portland Branch Division of Child Support - 503-229-5729

Child Support Services

  • Clackamas County District Attorney - 503-655-8469

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Clackamas County Family Court Services - 503-655-8415

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Clatsop County

Clatsop County Courthouse
749 Commercial Street
Astoria, Oregon 97103

Child Support Guidelines

  • Portland Branch Division of Child Support - 503-229-5729

Child Support Services

  • Clatsop County District Attorney - 503-325-2716

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Contact the Family Resource Center - 503-325-8555 ext. 319

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Columbia County

Columbia County Courthouse
230 Strand Street
St Helens, Oregon 97051-2041

Child Support Guidelines

  • Portland Branch Division of Child Support - 503-229-5729

Child Support Services

  • Columbia County District Attorney - 503-397-1105

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Columbia County Arbitration Program - 503-397-2327 ext. 307

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Coos County

Coos County Courthouse
250 North Baxter
Coquille, Oregon 97423

Child Support Guidelines

  • Roseburg Branch Division of Child Support - 541-396-7500

Child Support Services

  • Coos County District Attorney - 541-756-8217

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Coos County Arbitration Program - 541-396-3121 ext. 345

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Crook County

Crook County Courthouse
300 NE 3rd Street
Prineville, Oregon 97754

Child Support Guidelines

  • Bend Branch Division of Child Support - 541-388-6141

Child Support Services

  • Crook County District Attorney - 541-447-8153

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Crook County Lutheran Family Services - 541-447-7441

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Curry County

Curry County Courthouse
29821 Ellensburg
Gold Beach, Oregon 97444

Child Support Guidelines

  • Medford Branch Division of Child Support - 541-776-6043

Child Support Services

  • Curry County District Attorney - 541-247-7011 ext. 215

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Contact your Trial Court Administrator - 541-247-4511

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Deschutes County

Deschutes County Courthouse
1100 NW Bond Street
Bend, Oregon 97701
Directions to Courthouse

Child Support Guidelines

  • Bend Branch Division of Child Support - 541-388-6141

Child Support Services

  • Deschutes County District Attorney - 541-388-6526

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Deschutes County Mental Health Services - 541-385-1719

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Deschutes County Standard Parenting Plan

Douglas County

Justice Building
1036 SE Douglas
Roseburg, Oregon 97701

Child Support Guidelines

  • Roseburg Branch Division of Child Support - 541-440-3357

Child Support Services

  • Douglas County District Attorney - 541-673-2202

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Douglas County Family Mediation Program - 541-440-3532

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Gilliam County

Gilliam County Courthouse
221 South Oregon
Condon Oregon 97823

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932
  • Follow this link to the current SLRs for Hood River/Wasco/Sherman/Gilliam/Wheeler Counties, open the PDF, and find the Seventh Judicial District Model Parenting Plan in SLR 8.075 and Appendix A

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Follow this link to the current SLRs for Hood River/Wasco/Sherman/Gilliam/Wheeler Counties, open the PDF, and find SLR 12 (Mediation) and Appendix C (Motion to Be Excused from Compliance with SLR 12)

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636 can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

For Information Regarding Mediation or Parenting Time Enforcement:

Julie Proffitt​
541-506-2700​ x70890

Grant County

Grant County Courthouse
201 S Humbolt
Canyon City, Oregon 97820

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932

Child Support Services

  • Grant County District Attorney - 541-575-0146

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Contact your Trial Court Administrator - 541-575-1438

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Harney County

Harney County Courthouse
450 North Buena Vista
Burns, Oregon 97720

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932

Child Support Services

  • Harney County District Attorney - 541-573-8300

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Contact your Trial Court Administrator - 541-573-5207
  • Go to the current SLRs for Grant/Harney Counties, open the PDF, and find the Harney County Standard Parenting Plan in SLR 8.001 and Appendix 1

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Hood River County

Hood River County Courthouse
309 State Street
Hood River, Oregon 97031

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932

Child Support Services

  • Follow this link to the current SLRs for Hood River/Wasco/Sherman/Gilliam/Wheeler Counties, open the PDF, and find the Seventh Judicial District Model Parenting Plan in SLR 8.075 and Appendix A

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Follow this link to the current SLRs for Hood River/Wasco/Sherman/Gilliam/Wheeler Counties, open the PDF, and find SLR 12 (Mediation) and Appendix C (Motion to Be Excused from Compliance with SLR 12)

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636 can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

For Information Regarding Mediation or Parenting Time Enforcement:

Julie Proffitt
541-506-2700​ x70890

Jackson County

Justice Building
100 South Oakdale
Medford, Oregon 97501

Child Support Guidelines

  • Medford Branch Division of Child Support - 541-776-6043

Child Support Services

  • Jackson County District Attorney - 541-773-7031

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Contact your Trial Court Administrator - 541-776-7171 ext. 240

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Jefferson County

Jefferson County Courthouse
75 SE 'C' Street
Madras, Oregon 97741-1750

Child Support Guidelines

  • Bend Branch Division of Child Support - 541-388-6141

Child Support Services

  • Jefferson County District Attorney - 541-475-4452

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Uses Deschutes Mediation Program - 541-388-5300

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Josephine County

Josephine County Courthouse
500 NW 6th Street
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526

Child Support Guidelines

  • Medford Branch Division of Child Support - 541-776-6043

Child Support Services

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Josephine Court Mediation Program (In the Juvenile Dept.) - 541-474-5186 ext. 4031

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Klamath County

Klamath County Courthouse
316 Main Street
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601

Child Support Guidelines

Child Support Services

Options for Resolving Disputes

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636 can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Lake County

Lake County Courthouse
513 Center Street
Lakeview, Oregon 97631

Child Support Guidelines

Options for Resolving Disputes

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636 can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Lane County

Lane County Courthouse
125 East Eighth Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97401

Child Support Guidelines

  • Eugene Branch Division of Child Support - 541-686-7833

Child Support Services

  • Lane County District Attorney - 541-682-4517

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Lane Court Family Mediation Program - 541-682-3962

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Lincoln County

Lincoln County Courthouse
225 West Olive Street
Newport, Oregon 97365

Child Support Services

  • Lincoln County District Attorney - 541-265-7445

Lincoln County Supplemental Local Rules

  • Follow this link to the current SLRs for Lincoln County, open the PDF, and find the Standard Parenting Plan in SLR 8.075 and the Appendix

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Trial Court Administrator - 541-265-4236

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Linn County

Linn County Courthouse
300 SW Fourth
Albany, Oregon 97321

Child Support Guidelines & Child Support Service

  • Albany Branch Division of Child Support - 541-967-2028

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Linn-Benton Circuit Court Mediation 541-967-3952

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Malheur County

Malheur County Courthouse
251 'B' Street West #3
Vale, Oregon 97918

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932

Child Support Services

  • Malheur County District Attorney - 541-473-5133

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Contact your Trial Court Administrator 541-473-5178

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Marion County

Marion County Courthouse
100 High Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97301

Child Support Guidelines

  • Salem Branch Division of Child Support - 503-378-4489

Child Support Services

  • Marion County District Attorney - 503-588-5152

Options for Resolving Disputes

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Morrow County

Morrow County Courthouse
100 South Court Street, PO Box 609
Heppner, Oregon 97836-7303

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932

Child Support Services

  • Morrow County District Attorney - 541-676-5625

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Trial Court Administrator 541-676-5264

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Multnomah County

Multnomah Circuit Court
S1200 SW 1st Avenue
Portland, OR 97204

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Multnomah County Family Services - 503-988-3189

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Polk County

Polk County Courthouse
850 Main Street
Dallas, Oregon 97338

Child Support Guidelines

  • Salem Branch Division of Child Support - 503-378-4489

Child Support Services

  • Polk County District Attorney - 503-623-9269

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Polk Court Domestic Relations Program - 503-623-3154 ext. 350

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Sherman County

Sherman County Courthouse
500 Court Street
Moro, Oregon 97039

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932
  • Follow this link to the current SLRs for Hood River/Wasco/Sherman/Gilliam/Wheeler Counties, open the PDF, and find the Seventh Judicial District Model Parenting Plan in SLR 8.075 and Appendix A

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Follow this link to the current SLRs for Hood River/Wasco/Sherman/Gilliam/Wheeler Counties, open the PDF, and find SLR 12 (Mediation) and Appendix C (Motion to Be Excused from Compliance with SLR 12)

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636 can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

For Information Regarding Mediation or Parenting Time Enforcement:

Julie Proffitt​
541-506-2700​ x70890

Tillamook County

Tillamook County Courthouse
201 Laurel Avenue
Tillamook, Oregon 97141

Child Support Guidelines

  • Portland Branch Division of Child Support - 503-229-5729

Child Support Services

  • Division of Child Support - 1-800-850-0228

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Tillamook County Family Services - 503-842-2596

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636 can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Umatilla County

Umatilla County Courthouse
216 S.E. 4th Street
Pendleton, Oregon 97801-2500

Stanford Hansell Government Center
915 SE Columbia Drive
Hermiston, Oregon 97838-1839

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932

Child Support Services

  • Umatilla County District Attorney - 541-278-6280 or 541-278-6281

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Union County

Union County Courthouse
1105 K Avenue
La Grande, Oregon 97850

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932

Child Support Services

  • Union County District Attorney - 541-963-1028

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Contact your Trial Court Administrator - 541-962-9500

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

Wallowa County

Wallowa County Courthouse
101 South River Street
Enterprise, Oregon 97828

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932

Child Support Services

  • Wallowa County District Attorney - 541-426-4543 ext. 27

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Contact your Trial Court Administrator - 541-426-4991

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement Forms

Wasco County

Wasco County Courthouse
511 Washington Street, PO Box 1400
The Dalles, Oregon 97058

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932
  • Follow this link to the current SLRs for Hood River/Wasco/Sherman/Gilliam/Wheeler Counties, open the PDF, and find the Seventh Judicial District Model Parenting Plan in SLR 8.075 and Appendix A

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Follow this link to the current SLRs for Hood River/Wasco/Sherman/Gilliam/Wheeler Counties, open the PDF, and find SLR 12 (Mediation) and Appendix C (Motion to Be Excused from Compliance with SLR 12)

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

For Information Regarding Mediation or Parenting Time Enforcement:

Julie Proffitt​
541-506-2700 x70890

Washington County

Washington County Courthouse
150 N 1st Avenue
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Washington County Conciliation Services - 503-846-2887

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement Forms​

Wheeler County

Wheeler County Courthouse
701 Adams Street
Fossil, Oregon 97830

Child Support Guidelines

  • Pendleton Branch Division of Child Support - 541-276-6932
  • Follow this link to the current SLRs for Hood River/Wasco/Sherman/Gilliam/Wheeler Counties, open the PDF, and find the Seventh Judicial District Model Parenting Plan in SLR 8.075 and Appendix A

Options for Resolving Disputes

  • Follow this link to the current SLRs for Hood River/Wasco/Sherman/Gilliam/Wheeler Counties, open the PDF, and find SLR 12 (Mediation) and Appendix C (Motion to Be Excused from Compliance with SLR 12)

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636 can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement

For Information Regarding Mediation or Parenting Time Enforcement:

Julie Proffitt​
541-506-2700​ x70890

Yamhill County

Yamhill County Courthouse
535 NE 5th Street
McMinnville, Oregon 97128

Child Support Guidelines

  • Salem Branch Division of Child Support - 503-378-4489

Child Support Services

  • Yamhill County District Attorney - 503-434-7511

Yamhill County Supplemental Local Rules Relating to:

  • Go to the current SLRs for Yamhill County, open the PDF, and find SLR 8.081 (Parent Education Program), SLR 8.085 (Parenting Plans and Non-Custodial Parenting Time Schedules), SLR 12.015 (Mediation), Appendix 3 (Parenting Plans and Non-Custodial Parenting Time Guide), and Appendix 4 (Suggestions Relating to Parenting Time)

Options for Resolving Disputes

The names of private mediators can be found in the yellow pages of the telephone book or by contacting the Oregon Mediation Association at 503-872-9775 or the Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission at 503-378-2877. The Oregon State Bar referral service at 1-800-452-7636​ can refer you to family law attorneys in your area, including attorneys who work as mediators.

Parenting Time Enforcement