Juror Orientation

On the first day you are called for service, you will attend orientation in the morning. After jury orientation you will either be selected for a jury panel or released. Please view the Jury Reporting Information for when and where to report for jury orientation.
Most trials do not last more than a couple of days. If a juror reports for duty and is available to serve but is not selected for a trial, that juror will be released. If you are released you must continue checking the jury message for the remainder of your term. A small minority of jurors are summoned for the grand jury, which involves a 3-month commitment. Once a juror has served as instructed by the court, the juror's obligation is complete for a two-year period.
We thank those who have spent the time -- and completed the hard work -- of serving on a jury.
You are eligible if:
- You live in Umatilla or Morrow counties, are a U.S. citizen, and are at least 18 years of age.
You are NOT eligible if:
- You have reported for jury duty in a state or federal court in Oregon within the previous 24 months, even if you were not called to a courtroom or selected for jury duty.
- You have been convicted of a felony and on the day you are to report for jury duty, you are 1) in state prison, or 2) in county jail as a condition of a suspended sentence.
If you are not eligible to be a juror for one of these reasons, please provide that information when responding online.
Oregon law provides that “the opportunity for jury service shall not be denied or limited on the basis of race, national origin, gender, age, religious belief, income, occupation, or any other factor that discriminates against a cognizable group in this state." A person who is blind, hearing or speech impaired or physically disabled shall not be ineligible to act as a juror, or be excluded from a juror list because of their impairment.
Umatilla County
In Umatilla County, unless you are summoned for a grand jury, jury service is for one month of service. Summoned jurors will report to the courthouse on the day and time directed by the jury message, and if selected for a trial, will remain until the trial concludes. If you are not selected for a trial, you will be released but must continue to check the jury message for the remainder of your term of service.
Grand Jury Umatilla County – These terms last for 3 months, you will report as directed on your summons for orientation and you will receive further reporting instructions at orientation.
Morrow County
In Morrow County, unless you are summoned for a grand jury, jury service is for three months of service. Summoned jurors will report to the courthouse on the day and time directed by the jury message, and if selected for a trial, will remain until the trial concludes. If you are not selected for a trial, you will be released but must continue to check the jury message for the remainder of your term of service.
Grand Jury Morrow County – These terms also last for 3 months; you will report as directed on your summons for orientation and you will receive further reporting instructions at orientation.
The Oregon Legislature sets compensation for jury duty. Unless otherwise provided by the terms of an employment agreement, under ORS 10.061(3), a juror must waive the juror fee if the juror's employer pays the juror a wage or salary for the day(s) of jury service. Jurors are entitled to:
- Days 1 and 2 - $10 per day
- Day 3 and any subsequent day served - $25 per day
Juror travel expenses for each day of service will be compensated as follows:
- If driving, the rate of travel reimbursement is $.20 per mile for the distance traveled between your home and the Jury Assembly Room.
Where to Report
*Always check the jury message BEFORE leaving home or work for specific reporting information.
Main Address
Umatilla County
Umatilla County Courthouse
216 Se Fourth St
Pendleton, OR 97801
Stafford Hansell Government Center
915 SE Columbia Drive
Hermiston, OR 97838
Morrow County*
Morrow County Courthouse
100 Court St
Heppner, OR 97836
*In Morrow County, Jurors may be asked to report to the Bartholomew building located next to the Courthouse at 110 N Court St. Heppner, OR 97836. Please be sure to check the Jury message before reporting for the specific location.
When to Report and the Typical Daily Schedule
You must check in with the bailiff at the time given on the jury recording for your service date. There will be an orientation, and after that jurors may be called to into the courtroom to start a trial. Trials may start at different times throughout the day. Most trials go from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with short rest breaks and a lunch break. The schedule for a trial, including breaks, will be set by the judge.
Jury Orientation
You will receive detailed instructions on your jury service at your orientation, which will be on the first day you report. Please refer to your jury summons for further reporting instructions.
What to Bring With You
Please dress appropriately when reporting for jury duty. Shorts, tank tops, hats and work uniforms are not allowed in the courtroom.
Electronic devices will not be allowed. This includes all cell phones, smart watches, e-readers, and tablet or notebook computers. Jurors are welcome and encouraged to bring their own reading material. Courthouse security prohibits firearms, pocketknives, scissors, knitting needles and other sharp objects. Jurors will go through a metal detector and prohibited items will be taken away.
You may also bring a lunch or a snack. Don't bring anything to the courthouse that you couldn't take on an airplane.
Jury Duty is a civic duty of each citizen. If someone fails to respond to jury summons, the court may hold the person in contempt. Similarly, a person who fails to complete jury service without first getting permission from the court may be punished for contempt. If you receive a summons but cannot comply with the summons, you must follow the procedures to be excused or deferred by the court. Additional information is also available at Juror Handbook on the Oregon State Bar website.
Contact the Umatilla/Morrow Circuit Court ADA Coordinator as soon as possible after receiving your summons.
ADA Contact
Umatilla/Morrow: Irma Solis
Email: 6th.District@ojd.state.or.us
TTY Access: If initiating the call by telephone or TTY, dial 1-800-735-2900 (or 711 on your TTY within Oregon), and ask for the Pendleton, Hermiston, or Heppner number below. We will be glad to assist you.
If you need other accommodations, please see our Accessibility page.
Security at the Courthouse is provided by Umatilla or Morrow County Sheriff's Office. Security equipment in use at each Courthouse includes magnetometers (walk-through metal detectors), x-ray scanners, and hand-held metal detectors. If you have a pacemaker, tell the security officer about it before you enter the metal detector. The security screening process can create long lines of people waiting to enter the courthouse during peak hours.
The main objective of Courthouse security is to maintain a safe and secure environment for everyone in the building. Everyone's cooperation is needed to achieve this very important goal. Weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited and may be confiscated. Among items prohibited from court facilities are guns, knives, ammunition, pepper spray, mace, razor blades, illegal drugs, and any other type of dangerous or hazardous material or property. A variety of items may be prohibited because they are hazardous or could be used as potential weapons. These include any object that is sharp, pointed, or with a cutting blade regardless of length. If you are unsure if an item is allowed or not, is it best to not bring it into the courthouse.
Courthouse security will not hold unauthorized items for return later. Any prohibited item that is brought to the courthouse will be taken from you and permanently destroyed.