Juror Orientation

You are required to attend the virtual jury orientation as instructed in your summons. If there is a conflict with access to the virtual WebEx session, please call the jury coordinator to discuss the option for an in-person orientation session.
Orientation Material
The juror videos and instructions will be presented during the virtual jury orientation. This information will remain available here, along with some additional information, for review at any time.
Jury Call-In
If you are currently serving as a juror, please remember to call the Jury Recording number at 541-963-9400 at the direction of the jury clerk during your term of service. You can also check and see if your juror number is called for the next day by clicking the button below to see the Online Jury Call information.
Jury Schedule
Failure to Respond
Jury duty is a civic duty of each citizen. Failure to respond to the jury summons may result in Contempt of Court.
You are eligible if:
- You live in Union County, are a U.S. citizen, and are at least 18 years of age.
You are NOT eligible if:
- You have reported for jury duty in a state or federal court in Oregon within the previous 24 months, even if you were not called to a courtroom or selected for jury duty.
- You have been convicted of a felony and on the day you are to report for jury duty, you are 1) in state prison, or 2) in county jail as a condition of a suspended sentence.
If you are not eligible to be a juror for one of these reasons, you should check the appropriate box on the online response form to be excused.
Oregon law provides that “the opportunity for jury service shall not be denied or limited on the basis of race, national origin, gender, age, religious belief, income, occupation, or any other factor that discriminates against a cognizable group in this state.” A person who is blind, hearing or speech impaired or physically disabled shall not be ineligible to act as a juror, or be excluded from a juror list because of their impairment.
If you are 70 years of age or older or currently breast feeding a child, mark the appropriate box on the juror response form and you will be excused. All other requests to be excused must be detailed and in writing. In most cases you will not be excused, but we may defer your term of service. Requests to be deferred may be granted one time not to exceed one year from the date of your original summons. We will notify you by mail whether your request has been granted or denied.
Please submit a letter from physician or specialist within 10 days of receiving summons.
Your term of service is two months. In a two-month period the average service is 1-2 trials.
The Oregon Legislature sets compensation for jury duty. Unless otherwise provided by the terms of an employment agreement, under ORS 10.061(3), a juror must waive the juror fee if the juror's employer pays the juror a wage or salary for the day(s) of jury service. Jurors are entitled to:
- Days 1 and 2 - $10 per day
- Day 3 and any subsequent day served - $25 per day
If driving, the rate of travel reimbursement is $.20 per mile for the distance traveled between your home and the courthouse.
If you have questions about reimbursement for any other mode of travel, please contact the jury coordinator.
parking permit is on your summons postcard. We recommend that jurors park in the courthouse parking lot when available. If you use street parking, please make sure your parking permit (which is on your summons postcard) is visible in your front windshield. These permits are valid in any areas designated by signs showing "2 hour parking permits allowed."
Places to avoid are:
- Streets marked for residential permit only
- Any parking areas designated for law enforcement.
- Any areas designated as church parking only.
The court is not responsible for parking violations.
Where to Report
Our courtrooms are located at:
1105 K Ave
LaGrande, OR 97850
When to Report
You must check the
Jury Schedule website or phone line at 541-963-9400 and report when instructed. Your first jury schedule instructions will be provided to you at the required Juror Orientation.
Cell Phones
You may bring your cell phone to the courthouse. When you go into a courtroom, make sure your cell phone is turned off (not just silent or vibrate). If you are selected for a trial, you will be given the opportunity to notify family, employer, etc.
What to Bring With You
You may bring reading material. Food and drinks are not allowed in the courtroom. If you have a medical need, please notify the jury coordinator. Don’t bring anything to the courthouse that you couldn’t take on an airplane. For further information about what not to bring to the courthouse, please see the Security section below.
Usually you are released for lunch on your own from noon until 1:00pm. A judge may change the schedule for purposes of the trial. Occasionally you could be required to stay through lunch. If that were to happen, lunch would be provided.
Jury Duty is a civic duty of each citizen. If someone fails to respond to jury summons, the court may hold the person in contempt. Similarly, a person who fails to complete jury service without first getting permission from the court may be punished for contempt. If you receive a summons but cannot comply with the summons, you must follow the procedures to be excused or deferred by the court. The steps for requesting to be excused from jury service or to defer your jury service is available on our website. Additional information is also available at Juror Handbook on the Oregon State Bar website.
Oregon law provides that an employer shall not discharge or threaten to discharge, intimidate, or coerce an employee by reason of the employee’s service as a juror.
See Juror Employment Protections.
Contact the Union County Circuit Court Jury Coordinator or ADA Coordinator as soon as possible after receiving your summons.
An airport-type security metal and image scanner station is located at the entrance to the Union County Courthouse. Purses, backpacks, briefcases, etc. will be searched. It is a Class C felony for any person to intentionally possess a weapon in a court facility (
ORS 166.370).
Unless otherwise ordered by the court, no person except a law enforcement officer shall possess in a court facility a firearm, knife, device, or hazardous substance capable of inflicting death or physical injury.
Union County Sheriff’s Office is in charge of what items may enter the building for safety purposes. Through the screening process items such as, but not limited to: drugs, drug paraphernalia, weapons, lighters, smoking instruments, vaping instruments are not allowed in the court facility unless being used as evidence for a court hearing and are properly sealed and labeled for safe handling.
Anyone appearing in court that is in violation of the
dress code may be asked to leave and return when in compliance.
Courthouse security will not hold unauthorized items for return later. Any prohibited item that is brought to the courthouse will be taken from you and permanently destroyed.