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Calendar Conference Lines

CISCO Webex Conference Line Information

Conference Line Phone Number:  1-408-418-9388

Courtroom A - Crook

Telephone access code: 146 547 4781

Video link:


Courtroom B - Crook

Telephone access code: 146 713 7797

Video link:


Courtroom C - Crook

Telephone access code: 146 685 1782

Video link:   


 Circuit Court Calendars 

The Oregon Judicial Department (OJD) publishes its calendars on a daily basis and updates as often as changes are made. However, changes may be made at any time over the course of the day. Please use the link above to verify your court appearance time.


Before connecting to a Webex session, the following statement will display.  Please read this statement in its entirety.  By joining the session, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Media Agreement on Webex Audio/Video Meetings

If you are connecting to Webex to attend a remote hearing or oral argument, by selecting 'Agree' you are agreeing and acknowledging that:

1. The proceeding is being recorded and will be part of an official court record.
2. The proceeding will be made available live to the public.
3. You will not record, copy, distribute or otherwise make available any audio recording or visual image of the proceeding without express permission from the court.

If you are connecting to Webex to attend a CRB review, by selecting 'Agree' you are agreeing and acknowledging that you will not record, copy, distribute or otherwise make available any audio recording or visual image of the proceeding.

If you are connecting to Webex to attend a settlement conference meeting, by selecting 'Agree' you are agreeing and acknowledging that you will not record, copy, distribute or otherwise make available any audio recording or visual image of the meeting. Settlement conference meetings are confidential and will not be recorded.

If you are connecting to Webex to attend a meeting for any other judicial business with the Oregon Judicial Department, by selecting 'Agree' you are acknowledging that the meeting may be recorded.


See also UTCR 3.180 regarding media access to court hearings: