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ADA Compliance Notice

Oregon Judicial Department - 28 CFR 35.106 Notice of Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Oregon state court system is dedicated to providing equal access to court programs and services for people with disabilities. The following information is also available in Spanish.

​​Persons needing ADA accommodations or services for a state court or other Judicial Department program, activity, or event should make their request locally to the ADA coordinator for the court or other office.  Requests for accommodations for court proceedings must be received as soon as possible, but not less than four business days before an activity or event.  (UTCR 7.060.)  Please provide as much advance notice as possible to assist us with providing you with reasonable accommodations.  The Oregon Relay Service (711) is available to assist persons with speech or hearing disabilities.  In addition, the Speech to Speech Relay Service supplies Oregon with a toll-free number (1-877-735-7525) ​to assist persons whose speech may be difficult to understand.

​The Oregon Judicial Department (OJD) does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs or services.  Under Title II of the ADA, each OJD program or service will be accessible to and usable by qualified persons with disabilities.  The OJD will make reasonable changes to its policies and procedures for qualified persons with disabilities unless doing so would cause a change in basic OJD programs or services or would result in unreasonable financial or administrative burdens.  Each court will provide ADA accommodations, including sign language interpreters and assistive devices, to participants in court proceedings with speech and hearing disabilities at state expense.

​The OJD has an internal grievance procedure providing for quick and fair resolutions of complaints claiming Judicial Department discrimination on the basis of disability in violation of the U.S. Department of Justice regulations implementing Title II of the ADA.  This procedure complies with 28 CFR 35.107(b).
Filing of Complaint

  1. Persons claiming discrimination by the Judicial Department or its employees on the basis of the person’s disability must file a complaint as soon as possible but no later than 45 calendar days after the claimed violation.  The complaint must
    1. be dated and signed by the person claiming discrimination or by the person’s representative (upon a request, other means of filing a complaint will be made);
    2. contain the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the person (and representative, if any) filing it;
    3. describe briefly, but with sufficient detail, the reasons for  the claimed violation(s) of the regulations;
    4. indicate the date, place, and nature of the incident, including the names, if known, of any official or employee involved, and the names of any persons witnessing the event; and
    5. indicate a corrective action that may resolve the claimed violation(s).
  2. Persons claiming discrimination must file complaints at the local court or OSCA Division of the Judicial Department with the ADA coordinator who will coordinate ADA compliance efforts.  The ADA coordinator will notify all persons in writing of the receipt of the complaint.
  3. An investigation, as may be appropriate, shall follow a filing of a complaint.  This informal process provides the person and their representatives, if any, a chance to submit information or evidence about the complaint.
  4. The OJD staff person named above will forward a copy of the written decisions as to the validity of the complaint and any resolutions, to the persons claiming discrimination no later than 45 calendar days after filing of the complaint.
  5. The local administrative authority shall maintain the files and records relating to complaints for a period of three years.

Request of Reconsideration

  1. Persons claiming discrimination may request reconsideration in instances where he or she is dissatisfied with the written decisions or resolutions.  The request for reconsideration should be made within 45 calendar days of issuance of the written decisions or resolutions and must be filed in writing with:

    OJD Statewide ADA Coordinator
    Executive Services Division
    Office of the State Court Administrator
    Supreme Court Building
    1163 State Street
    Salem, OR 97301-2563
    Phone: 503-986-5500
    Oregon Relay Service - 711
    Fax: 503-986-​5503
    Email: ojd.adahelp​

    The OJD Statewide ADA Coordinator will notify all persons of the receipt of the complaint.
  2. The OJD Statewide ADA Coordinator will forward a copy of the written response to the request for reconsideration to the persons claiming discrimination no later than 45 calendar days after its receipt.
  3. The Office of the State Court Administrator shall maintain the files and records relating to any request for reconsideration for a period of three years.

Use of the Judicial Department grievance procedure in no way impairs persons claiming discrimination to search for other remedies under the ADA such as filing an ADA complaint with the responsible federal department, agency, or court.
Copies of this posting or alternative formats are available on request.