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Juror Resources

Juror Orientationjurors in a courtroom

Trial by jury is a cornerstone of our democracy. The Oregon and United States Constitutions protect our right to trial by jury. Jury service is one of the most important rights and responsibilities of American citizenship. We conduct a short juror orientation to provide detailed instruction on your duties and the juror orientation videos are watched. Summoned jurors will report to the courthouse on the day and time specified on the jury recording for juror orientation.

Jury Response

If you have received a jury summons, please complete the questionnaire. The questionnaire will assist attorneys in Court and will save valuable time.

 Fill Out Online Juror Response Form 

Jury Call-In

Jury Call information is updated by 5:15 p.m. on the business day immediately preceding each scheduled jury trial. Please review this information after 5:00 p.m. or before you arrive at the courthouse for your jury service. Your time is respected and we do not want you to appear for a trial when your services are not needed.

The same information may be obtained by telephone by calling 503-623-3154 for a recorded message.

View Online Jury Call Numbers


​Parking: Parking is allowed around the courthouse square. Your postcard summons will serve as your parking permit while you serve as a juror. DO NOT park in the courthouse parking lot or in spaces marked “reserved".

Where to Report: Report to the Polk County Courthouse, 850 Main Street, Dallas, Oregon. Jurors will enter through the Jefferson Street entrance which opens at 7:30 a.m. You may be screened for security purposes. DO NOT bring prohibited items, such as guns, knives, knitting needles, crochet hooks, recording devices, chemical sprays (such as mace) with you, as these items are subject to confiscation.​

When to Report and Typical Daily Schedule:   Please report to Courtroom 1, located on the second floor of the historical side. 

Jury Orientation: 850 Main Street, Dallas, Oregon 

What to Bring with You: You may bring work or reading material, or a personal electronic device you can listen to with headphones. You may also bring a lunch or a snack. A refrigerator and microwave are available for jurors who are selected for a jury. Don't bring anything to the courthouse that you couldn't take on an airplane.

For accommodations, please contact the Polk Circuit Court Jury Coordinator or ADA Coordinator as soon as possible after receiving your summons. 

Jury Coordinator
503-623-3154​, option 1 (M-F 8am-5pm)

Polk County ADA Coordinator

View additional information​.​

​Jury Coordinator
503-623-3154, option 1 (M-F 8am-5pm)