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Orientation Training for New Volunteers

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard

All prospective volunteers must complete an orientation training (OT).  The OT includes four hours of online eModules, two live online training sessions (6 hours each), and approximately five hours of homework.

You may complete the eModules anytime but must have them done prior to the first live online training session.  Most of the eModules have a short quiz at the end to aid in learning and provide a record of completion.  They are not graded, and you can correct answers as you go.

The live online training sessions are held frequently throughout the year and you may attend from anywhere.  Contact your local CRB Field Manager to register for the live sessions.

The homework assignments are designed to be completed alongside the live online training sessions, so we recommend that you start them only after you have registered for the live sessions and received an email with instructions.

If you have any trouble with the online materials or would like more information about volunteering for CRB, please contact the CRB Volunteer Coordinator at or 503-986-4535.

When you have submitted your application to become a volunteer, interviewed with your local Field Manager, and observed a CRB review, you are ready to start your training.  Here are the steps (click on the number to be directed to the site):

Number one inside an orange circleComplete the 15 eModules

Start workinon the 15 eModules.

confirm_icon.pngSign Up for a Live OT Session

Contact your local Field Manager to discuss registering for the next live OT session.

Number three inside an orange circleOT Materials & Resources

After you are registered for a live OT session, click above to access OT homework assignments,
resource guides, and the
Volunteer Manual.