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Current & Prospective Interpreters - Home

Contact & Location Information


Main Phone Number: 503-986-4545

 Certification Program Information
Michaelle Gearheart,
Certification and Training Coordinator,

 Physical Address

1163 State Street
Salem, OR 97301


Mailing Address
1163 State Street
Salem, OR 97301

Court Language Access Services (CLAS) coordinates interpreting services in Oregon circuit courts for people with limited English-proficiency in more than 200 languages, and for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and people with hearing loss. To provide interpreting in most judicial districts statewide, the Oregon Judicial Department (OJD) employs schedulers and full-time Oregon Certified Spanish and ASL interpreters and contracts with freelance interpreters. CLAS also offers training and consulting on best practices and on working with interpreters to Oregon circuit courts and judicial system partners. Quality interpreting and administrative efficiency are ensured through coordination between CLAS and the circuit courts. 

CLAS trains interpreters of all languages in the Code of Professional Responsibility for Oregon Court Interpreters, court ethics and protocols. Over 100 interpreters of Spanish, Russian and Vietnamese and other languages are currently certified or registered through the CLAS Certification and Training Program. CLAS maintains a roster of Oregon Certified and Registered Court Interpreters for those who wish to verify an interpreter’s credential or to hire a certified or registered interpreter for out-of-court work. 

Per ORS 45.275 no fee shall be charged to any Limited English Proficient person for the appointment of an interpreter. Court interpreting in circuit court shall be paid by the state.